Your Since its inception as DCCI in 1988 by 51 rice farmers, DISADECO has flourished into a vital cooperative serving Quirino Province and beyond. Initially supported by World Vision International, it expanded to a province-wide scope by 1994. Our area of operation is Region 2 and Cordillera Administrative Region. Accredited by government entities like the Department of Agriculture and TESDA, DISADECO underwent internal restructuring, embracing internal resources. Renamed DISADECO in 2007, it initiated pivotal infrastructure projects, notably the DISADECO Farmers Center, DISADECO Fuel, DISADECO Hotel and Event Center. Through expansion and national acclaim, DISADECO’s assets surged to PhP 1,813,625,987.54 by 2023 with members base of more than Thirty-five Thousand (35,000), Eight (8) branches and Nine (9) Satellite Offices. Its trajectory underscores cooperative dedication, uplifting both members and communities.
Membership Policy
There are two types of membership to the Cooperative, namely regular or associate.
A Regular member is one who is entitled to all the rights and privileges of membership while an Associate member is one whose share capital is below PhP1,000.00.
The membership to the cooperative is open to any natural person, Filipino citizen, of legal age, with capacity to contract, and has the following qualifications:
- Regular membership:
a. Completed the prescribed pre-membership education training;
b. Undertake to uphold the By-laws, policies, guidelines, rules and regulations promulgated by the Board of Directors and the General Assembly;
c. Paid the required membership fee;
d. Paid the required initial minimum share capital or initial investment of PhP2,020.00; and
e. Reside or work in the area of operation. - Associate Membership:
a. Completed the prescribed pre-membership education training;
b. Undertake to uphold the By-laws, policies, guidelines, rules and regulations promulgated by the Board of Directors and the General Assembly;
c. Paid the required membership fee;
d. Patronize the deposit for share capital subscription of the cooperative.
An applicant for regular or associate membership shall file a duly accomplished form with the Board of Directors who shall accept or deny it within 30 days from the date of filing. The Board of Directors shall devise a form for the purpose which shall, aside from the personal data of the applicant, include the duty of a member to participate in all capital build-up and savings mobilization programs of the cooperative and such other information as may be deemed necessary.
No application for membership shall be given due course if not accompanied by the following payments:
1,000.00 Initial share capital
50.00 Membership Fee
100.00 ID
100.00 Incentive Fee
100.00 Mutual Aid Program
250.00 Saranay Program
500.00 Initial Savings Deposit
Total: P 2,100.00
An applicant whose application was denied by the Board of Directors may appeal to the general assembly by giving notice to the Secretary of the Cooperative within thirty (30) days before the next General Assembly meeting, whose decision on the matter shall be final.
- Regular Membership
An applicant for regular membership shall subscribe at least 50 Common Shares and pay the value of at least ten (10) shares upon approval of his membership. - Associate Membership.
An applicant for associate membership shall subscribe at least 50 shares and pay the value of at least 1 share upon approval of his membership.
However, no regular or associate member shall own or hold more that 10 percent of the total paid-up share capital of the cooperative. The Board of Directors shall issue membership certificate and subscription agreement with such terms and conditions as may be deemed equitable.
- A. Pay the installment of his share capital subscription as it falls due and to participate in the capital build-up and savings mobilization activities of the cooperative.
- B. Patronize the Cooperative’s business and services;
- C. Participate in the membership education programs;
- D. Attend and participate in the deliberation of all matters taken during general assembly meetings.
- E. Observe and obey all lawful orders, decisions, rules and regulations adopted by the Board of Directors and the general assembly; and
- F. Promote the goals and objectives of the Cooperative, the success of its business, the welfare of its members and the cooperative movement in general.
A member shall have the following rights and privileges:
- A. Attend during general membership meetings;
- B. Avail himself of the services of the Cooperative, subject to certain conditions as may be prescribed by the Board of Directors;
- C. Inspect and examine the books of accounts, the minutes books, the share register, and other records of the Cooperative during reasonable office hours;
- D. Secure copies of cooperative records or documents pertaining to the account information of the concerned member;
- E. Has preference in the payment of interest on share capital and in the distribution of the net assets of the Cooperative in case of liquidation; and
- F. Such other rights and privileges as may be granted by the General Assembly.
- A. Paid the membership fee and the value of at least 10 share;
- B. Not delinquent in the payment of his share capital subscriptions and other accounts or obligations;
- C. Not violated any provisions of this By-Laws; the terms and conditions of the subscription agreement; and the decisions, guidelines, rules and regulations promulgated by the Board of Directors and the General Assembly;
- D. Completed the basic orientation training program prescribed by the Board of Directors;
- E. Participates in the affairs of the cooperative and patronizes its business;
- F. Complies with all obligations, duties and undertakings of membership.
- A. Participate and vote on all matters deliberated and vote on all matters deliberated upon during the general assembly meetings;
- B. Seek any elective or appointive position, subject to the provisions of this By-Laws and the Cooperative Code of the Philippines;
- C. Avail himself of the services of the Cooperative, subject to certain conditions as may be prescribed by the Board of Directors;
- D. Inspect and examine the books of accounts, the minutes books, the share register and other records of the Cooperative during office hours; and
- E. Such other rights and privileges as may be provided by the General Assembly.
- A. Participate in the deliberation of any issue during general membership meetings;
- B. Avail himself of the services of the Cooperative, subject to certain conditions as may be prescribed by the Board of Directors;
- C. Inspect and examine the books of accounts, the minutes books, the share register, and other records of the cooperative during office hours;
- D. Has preference in the payment of interest on share capital and in the distribution of the net assets of the Cooperative in case of liquidation; and
- E. Such other rights and privileges as may be granted by the General Assembly
A member shall be liable for the debts of the Cooperative only to the extent of his subscribed share capital.
Termination of membership, which may automatic voluntary and involuntary, shall have the effect of extinguishing all rights of a member in the cooperative or its assets, subject to the provisions of Section 14 of the Cooperative’s By-Laws and as may be provided by the general assembly.
- A. Automatic Termination of Membership. The death, insanity, permanent incapacity, or judicial declaration by a competent court of the insolvency of a member shall be considered an automatic termination of his membership in the cooperative.
- B. Voluntary Termination. A member may, for any reason, withdraw his membership from the cooperative by giving a 60-day notice to the Board of Directors. However, no member shall be allowed to withdraw or terminate his membership during any period in which he has any pending obligation with the cooperative.
- C. Involuntary Termination. A member may be terminated by a vote of the majority of all the members of the Board of Directors for any of the following causes:
- I. When he has not patronized the service/ businesses of the cooperative for more than twelve (12) months;
- II. When he has continuously failed to comply with his obligations;
- III. When he has violated any provisions of this By-laws and the rules promulgated by the cooperative; and
- IV. For any act or omission injuries or prejudicial to the interest or the welfare of the cooperative.