DISADECO has several savings services which include regular savings, time deposit, fixed deposit, birthday savings, travel savings, christening savings, wedding savings, graduation savings, and Christmas savings. These services were designed to inculcate the concept of thrift and savings. Through savings we liberate ourselves from the bondage of poverty. Reality, however, tells that most of the have-less merely keep the money they set for savings which unknowingly they spend before such reaches any savings institution. Such amount set must be daily collected. For if not, these people who wants to save but spend more time working and unwittingly spend the amount they want to save will hardly save. This policy is thus formulated.
Interest Rates on Time Deposit
Interest rates on time deposits mean you earn more money on your savings. Unlike regular savings accounts, time deposits lock in your money for a set period, offering higher returns. This makes them a smart choice for those looking to grow their savings faster and enjoy steady income.
Amount of Deposit
₱ 5,000 – ₱ 100,000
Interest Rates
3 Months – 1.75%
6 Months – 2.0%
9 Months – 2.25%
12 Months – 2.5%
Amount of Deposit
₱ 100,001 – ₱ 200,000
Interest Rates
3 Months – 2.75%
6 Months – 3.0%
9 Months – 3.25%
12 Months – 3.5%
Amount of Deposit
₱ 200,001 – ₱ 300,000
Interest Rates
3 Months – 3.75%
6 Months – 4.0%
9 Months – 4.25%
12 Months – 4.5%
Amount of Deposit
₱ 300,001 and Above
Interest Rates
3 Months – 4.75%
6 Months – 5.0%
9 Months – 5.25%
12 Months – 5.5%
5,000-100,000 | 1.75% | 2% | 2.25% | 2.5% |
100,001-200,000 | 2.75% | 3% | 3.25% | 3.5% |
200,001-300,000 | 3.75% | 4% | 4.25% | 4.5% |
300,000 and above | 4.75% | 5% | 5.25% | 5.5% |