Community spirit has been a part and parcel of Philippine society. This has been well illustrated in the bayanihan system. In the past, it was quite common to see able-bodied men helping their neighbor relocate their house in the rural areas. In many Philippine communities today, the nipa hut may not be seen anymore, but the spirit of helping one another especially in times of crisis is all evident. It is within the context of service that the Saranay Program of Diffun Saranay and Development Cooperative has been conceived.
- To express the spirit of service, sense of concern, belongingness and cooperation through the “Damayan System”.
- To strengthen community support for one another in time of crisis;
- To help each other by means of substantial aid when a member of the family dies or a member undergoes major operation or suffers serious illness or accident or any incident/condition that may be decided upon by the Board of Directors as qualified for support.
- Contributors to the Program
- All members of Diffun Saranay and Development Cooperative and their immediate dependents
- Associate members who are willing to become a regular member within two (2) years;
- New members with age of not more than 65 years old.
- New members aged 65 years and above shall have a three years contestability period.
- Persons covered by the Program
- The members and legal dependents of the member of the Cooperative
- For married members, the spouse and all the children who are single age 17 and below except children with special needs.
- Legally adopted children 17 years and below.
- Minors whose fixed deposit is FIVE THOUSAND PESOS (P5,000.00) and above.
- The amount of membership contribution is Five hundred pesos (P500). Initial contribution is two hundred fifty pesos (P250). The remaining two hundred fifty pesos shall be deducted on the borrower’s first loan.
- In cases when the contribution has reached P500 but has been diminished due to the benefits granted to the beneficiaries, the fund shall be replenished as the need arises.
- The fund shall be a trust account in the Cooperative.
- Only members in Good Standing with Five Thousand (P5, 000.00) paid up capital and Saranay Deposit above two hundred fifty Pesos are entitled to claim benefits.
- The Rightful claimants stated in the application for membership shall be entitled to the following benefits based on the current number of membership for a maximum of two (2) claims per year.
- For members P10.00
- For wife or husband 8.00
- For dependents 6.00
- Requirements
a.1 In case of death - Photocopy or true copy of death certificate of the deceased
a.2 In case of hospitalization – Medical Certificates and records for major illness and accidents
- Procedures
b.1 Any rightful claimant shall submit requirements to DISADECO
b.2 The Manager determines the benefits to be availed.
b.3 All rightful claimants shall be notified for actual release of benefits.
The objectives of the Mutual Aid Program are as follows:
- To provide self-reliance within the members of the Cooperative;
- To develop mutual love and concern among the members of the Cooperative;
- To generate Mutual Aid Fund for the additional Capital of the Cooperative; and
- To provide the members immediate assistance in case of death.
- All bona fide members of the Cooperative are qualified as members of the DISADECO Mutual Aid Program.
- A qualified member is one who has paid an initial Mutual Aid Program Deposit of not less than One Hundred Pesos (P100.00) and a minimum of 10 shares who is below 65 years upon membership. Members aged 65 and above upon membership shall be given a three years contestability period before they are qualified as members of the DISADECO Mutual Aid Program.
- Membership is automatically terminated when the Mutual Aid Deposit is exhausted and restored only upon payment of at least One Hundred Pesos (P100.00).
- The amount of membership contribution is Five Hundred Pesos (P500.00)
- The Mutual Aid Program will be deposited as Mutual Aid in a Separate Account of the Cooperative.
- The amount of fifty pesos (P50.00) shall be deducted from any approved loan to be added in the MAP until the total contribution of Five Hundred Pesos (P500.00) is fully paid.
- Lump-sum payment of the Mutual Aid Program is encouraged especially to members who are fifty (50) years old and above.
- The fund shall be deposited in the Cooperative as Trust Account
- Replenishment of the Mutual Aid Program shall be adopted and be made not later than December 30th of each year.
- Mutual Aid Program is non-refundable, except upon the dissolution of the Cooperative.
Provide financial assistance to deserving children of indigent Members in Good Standing (MIGS).
- The scholarship program was designed to guarantee that a deserving dependent of at least two indigent DISADECO MIGS pursues and finishes a-four-year degree course.
- Source of fund shall be from the Cooperative Education and Training Fund (CETF).
- Since the program is for a four-year degree course, recruitment will be done every four years. However, immediate recruitment will be done to replace slots of terminated scholars. Though terminated scholar is in his/her 2nd, 3rd or last year, it is understood that the recruit should be an incoming freshman.
- The program entitles qualified scholars to enjoy free tuition fee and miscellaneous fees plus monthly stipend of FIVE HUNDRED PESOS (P500.00) in any tertiary school chosen by the scholar in the province of Quirino.
- Scholars are required to maintain a weighted average of 85 every semester.
- If scholar’s average falls below 85, the monthly stipend is suspended and will be granted once the scholar improves performance the following semester. Inability to obtain the required average in the succeeding semester terminates the scholarship.
- Parents of scholars are required to maintain their status as MIGS while their children’s scholarship is enforce.
- Stipend and benefits of scholars are temporarily suspended if loans of parents turn past due. All withheld benefits will be released upon payment of loan on default or once parents regain their MIGS status.
- Scholars who are unable to finish their degree due to scholars’ misdemeanor are compelled to reimburse all benefits received from the cooperative.
- Scholars who are unable to finish their degree on the prescribed time will be required to shoulder their school expenses while completing their requirements for graduation. However, should the extension be due to the kind of thesis or project and the scholar has informed the cooperative, scholarship shall be extended but such extension should not be more than one semester.
- All the terms and condition herein stated shall be part of the Memorandum of Agreement between DISADECO, the member-parent and the scholar done under oath.
- Non-compliance to any of the terms and condition will be ground for termination of scholarship.
- Scholars are expected to render at least two-year service in the cooperative after graduation.
The qualifications for scholarship are as follows:
- Child of indigent members in good standing (MIGS);
- Graduate of secondary education;
- Has a weighted average of 85 or above;
- Willing to pursue tertiary education at the Quirino State University (QSU).
All secondary graduates interested to apply for the scholarship are required to submit the following documents:
- Annual income tax return or annual information sheet of parents duly signed by the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR);
- Form 138;
- High school Diploma;
- Managers certificate that parents are MIGS;
- Certificate of Good Moral Character duly signed by the school principal.
The scholar is required to:
- Study diligently and maintain the required weighted average;
- Submit a photocopy of grades every end of the semester to the DISADECO manager;
- Remind parents of their loan status at the cooperative;
- Practice thrift and savings;
- Be an associate member and deposit 1/10th of her stipend as share capital;
- Be active in DISADECO activities;
- Attend general assembly meetings.
Part of the cooperative principle is concern for the community, which embraces the whole mankind, the communities, and the degraded environment. All members must be of good standing to ensure the perpetual existence of a financially self-reliant and stable cooperative that help alleviate and prevent poverty and reinvigorate the environment.
To manifest such concern to the community, DISADECO commits to do the following:
- Strict implementation of attendance to pre-membership seminar (PMES) as a requirement for membership.
- Conduct of continuous cooperative education to officers, staff and members.
- Conduct of quarterly membership education seminar.
- Attendance to General Assembly Meeting. Members who register before the meeting is called to order, that is, 9am of every 3rd Saturday of March of every year shall receive a cash award of P150.00. Cash incentive shall be awarded immediately after the meeting is adjourned. Representatives shall not be entitled for cash awards.
- One hundred percent (100%) collection of fines and surcharges in fairness to members who are religiously paying before or on due date is emphasized.
- Only members in good standing (MIGS) are entitled to SARANAY benefits and Mutual Aid Plan (MAP) benefits.
- Grant of a twelve percent (12%) diminishing balance interest rate, that is, one hundred percent (100%) deducted upon release of loan provided the loan is equivalent or lesser than the paid-up and is religiously amortized monthly.
- Non – allocation of interest on share capital (ISC) and patronage refund to members in bad standing or members whose loans are more than one year or 366 days in default.
- On-site PMES emphasizing the concept of thrift and savings and right and proper priorities in areas believed to be inhabited by indigents and the differently - abled.
- Strict implementation of the P400.00 monthly CBU build-up.
- Employing specially-abled members to serve in the cooperative.
- Scholarship grant to academically gifted children of indigent members in good standing following the policy on scholarship. Expenses charged against the cooperative education and training fund local (CETF-Local).
- Be an active member of all environmental protection programs of non - government agencies, the LGU, the DENR and other government line agencies. Financial support charged against the cooperative development fund (CDF) of the cooperative with emphasis that beneficiaries be members of DISADECO.
- Maintain a strong partnership with non-government and government agencies with environment related programs.
- Compliance to all government regulations in protecting the environment.
- Compulsory requirement that every DISADECO member must plant a fruit bearing tree in their backyard or farm annually. Compliance to the policy be monitored by the loans department of the cooperative.
- Monitor implementation of environment protection programs in the cooperative office and in members’ home. Environment protection programs include:
- Proper use of inorganic fertilizer and pesticides approved by the fertilizer and pesticide authority (FPA) following company standards.
- Proper disposal of inorganic and pesticide packaging materials.
- Organic farming in suitable areas.
- Recycling, reusing and reducing
- Waste segregation
- Composting and penalizing members caught burning agriculture and domestic waste.
- Employees of DISADECO caught burning will be penalized with an amount equivalent to one-day pay entered as miscellaneous income of the cooperative.
- DISADECO members found burning will be reported in their respective barangays for violating LGU ordinances.
- Vermi-composting (To be implemented at the DISADECO Grains Processing Center.
- Maintain a strong partnership with non-government agencies, local government units and government line agencies in the implementation of poverty alleviation and poverty elimination programs.
- To ensure that the cooperative is updated with health activities of the community where it operates, DISADECO must renew accreditation as member of the local special bodies every three years.
- A must that DISADECO is a member of the Local Health Board, Municipal Nutrition Committee and Municipal Population Coordinating Committee.
- Support all the health programs of the Department of Health (DOH) downloaded to the Municipal Health Office (MHO) which include the following:
- Vaccination
- Deworming
- Distribution of Vitamin A and Ferrous Sulfate
- Distribution of toothbrushes and toothpaste
- Ligtas Buntis Party
- Bantay Kalusugan
- Malaria and Dengue Program
- Other Health Related Program
- Support all the Nutrition and Population Programs of the Local Government Units which includes the following:
- Supplemental Feeding Program
- Breastfeeding Program
- Family Planning Program
- Nutrition Month Celebration
- Other Nutrition and Population Program
- Disbursements in support to community health activities shall be charged against community development fund (CDF).
- DISADECO distributes medals and certificates to schools with pupils and students depositing at DISADECO and are members of the DISADECO Laboratory Coop.
- DISADECO shoulders costs of transportation of children attending contests to Provincial, Regional and National Contests for as long as the contestants are members of the DISADECO Laboratory Coop.
- Active participation to Brigada Eskwela.
- Involvement in school festivals/fiesta/celebrations.
- Disbursements to assistance to schools shall be charged against cooperative education and training fund local (CETF-local).
- Besides provision of quality services and programs to members and would be members, DISADECO works with peace keepers to ensure tranquility of the community where DISADECO operates.
- DISADECO as member of the Municipal Disaster Coordinating Council and the Municipal Health and Safety.
- DISADECO to support all programs of the Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA) and the Philippine National Police (PNP) which includes the following:
- Pamaskong Handog to Inmates and less fortunate patients
- Campaign against Prohibited Drugs/Drug-Free Community
- Sports Fests and Physical Fitness
- Disaster Management Campaign
- Disbursements to assistance to maintenance of peace and order shall be charged against CDF.
- To ensure physical development of the community where DISADECO operates, DISADECO links with LGUs, line agencies and other non-government organizations with infrastructure projects.
- DISADECO spearheads or sponsors preparation of project proposals and resolutions for farm to market roads, irrigation projects, multi-purpose drying pavements, pre and postharvest facilities, electrification and the like.
- DISADECO officers and employees to provide bayanihan service in the construction of MPDPS and roads.
- Disbursements incurred or assistance to physical development of the area of operation shall be charged against CDF.
- DISADECO provides joy to the elderly by:
- Making them as beneficiaries of members of the coop following the policy in Saranay.
- Elderly members aged 80 and above be serenaded in their birthdays along with birthday cake and gift.
- Recognized and honored during family days with certificates of recognition and gifts.
- Priority service to senior citizen members by installing a senior citizen’s lane at the cooperative.
- Disbursements incurred in item number 1 shall be charged against Saranay Fund and other disbursement shall be charged against CDF.
- Other social services which the cooperative supports are solicitations supportive to community affairs which include:
- fiestas
- activities for the elderly
- festivities for the youth
- DISADECO serves as training ground of on the job trainings (OJTs) requested by state colleges and universities.
- Provision of recognition and awards to outstanding members, staff, elderly and youngsters.
- Awards and solicitations disbursed should be limited to five hundred pesos (P500.00) and charged against cooperative development fund.